Terms & Condition

terms and conditions

hese terms and conditions are fundamental to the agreement between "SPT Tours" and the individual booking a trip with us in Egypt. It is essential to carefully review them as they outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties. By requesting confirmation of your booking, we assume that you have read and understood these conditions, even if they are not explicitly displayed on your booking request but are accessible at the bottom of our homepage under "Terms & Conditions."

1. To secure a booking, please adhere to the process outlined on our website, ensuring that each traveler completes the necessary booking form.

2. If we have already confirmed the availability of your chosen arrangements and you book within the specified timeframe, your booking will be considered firm, and a contract will be established between us upon receipt of payment. Subsequently, we will provide you with a receipt for all payments made along with our invoice.

3. In cases where availability has not been confirmed, your booking will still be considered firm, and a contract will be formed once we send out our invoice. If you book through our website without prior confirmation of availability, any electronic acknowledgment received is not a confirmation of your booking. It is crucial to review your invoice promptly upon receipt and contact us immediately via our published email address if any discrepancies are noted.