About Us

About Us

The Story Behind All

We are our choices. Build yourself a great story” -Jeff Bezos

In 2002, Our Business established in Egypt and Japan an Egyptian Japanese Travel Agent with the Vision of 

Ö The tourist should not just be a spectator, but a part of the experience.
Ö Cultural tourism is not merely visiting historical areas or attending cultural events Rather, the tourist should have the opportunity to travel through time. They should be able to experience new culture, food, philosophy customs and traditions in way that is tangible. They should feel integrated to the new environment.

“It’s very easy to be different but very difficult to be better.”

In 2009, We Began a New Vision with New Concept of Tourism based on redefine the interpretations to the term “Cultural Tourism”,  to achieve the goal of Sustainable Tourism. We believe cultural tourism should be about giving your Customers a true experience. They should feel zealous, content, and most importantly, gain extraordinary, quintessential memories. 

This can only happen when we create a space for our clients to not only see history before them but live it as well Through costumes, food, art, and taking moments from historical lifestyle experiences, we can allow them to gain a full experience. 

By organizing events inside these historical and cultural areas, we allow the tourists to become a part of the history and culture. When a tourist comes to a new place, they are experiencing the same environment the ancient people before them did, They eat the delicacies they ate and experience the same culture they did.